Li Greci’s Staaten: Celebrating 50 Years with the Chamber

By Michael Anderson, the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce

If you live on Staten Island, chances are you’ve attended an event at LiGreci’s Staaten. After all, the LiGreci family has owned and operated the West Brighton facility for 50 years.   

While many catering halls have come and gone, it’s not hard to see why LiGreci’s Staaten has stood the test of time.  

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“We always try and keep everything consistent that way, we’re on the ball and on top of everything. We try and do the best we can for every customer – no matter the situation or party. We’ll do the best for everyone,” said Jack LiGreci.  

The catering hall, originally built in 1956, was originally owned by Mike Bilotto. But LiGreci - and his brother Nick – always had an eye on the property.  

“I owned the restaurant (LiGreci’s) across the street. I bought it in 1963 from Richie Rainero. Then I bought the Staaten in 1971,” said LiGreci. “Mike Bilotto called me up and asked if I was interested – and I was, of course – and we got the money together from my parents and put the offer together.” 

About five years after the purchase, the LiGreci’s started their renovations.  

“We made small renovations in 1976 when we extended the bar, made the lounge bigger, and added more dining area to the bar so we could have bigger banquet rooms. And then in 1988, we did the whole building over, including adding the second floor,” said LiGreci. “The demand was there, and we just needed more room.” 

Speaking of room, many people point to the convenience of the facility’s large parking lot despite being located on the busy Forest Avenue business corridor with small businesses attached side-by-side for blocks. That space took time, though, as LiGreci purchased the surrounding property at different points to create a bigger footprint.   

Jack would operate the Staaten with Nick – who had a 15-year career as a police officer with the New York Police Department (NYPD) -- until passing away in 2010. Today, the catering facility is now also run by Jack’s son and Fire Department of New York (FDNY) retiree, Gary, and Jack’s grandson, John.   

After all these years, LiGreci said there are countless stories from patrons recalling how their family has used the Staaten for other occasions.  

“We get the whole family business. We get the baptisms, Communions, Confirmations, weddings, the whole bit,” he said. “We try and treat everyone top drawer over here. We try and be consistent. Jack Demyan (a Staten Island painter who was the proprietor of Demyan's Hofbrau in Stapleton before it burned down in 1980) told me a long time ago, ‘If you’re going to serve lousy food, make it lousy all the time. Some people like lousy food.’ What he was telling was be consistent.” 

As attendees can attest, “lousy food” is not a guest at this catering hall. The hall is known for its fan-favorite fried zucchini strips, among other staples. That’s because LiGreci preaches consistency. 

“With food and service, we try and be number one. And that’s really our pretense and what we base our whole operation on – having consistent, good food and great service. So, they both have to be in that combination to create the right atmosphere for our business,” he said. “I stress that to my staff all the time. To treat every customer as family. It doesn’t matter the party. I stress that to my staff, and they’re all very good workers.” 

While food and service are essential, LiGreci understands appearance plays a role in the atmosphere. Recently, the hall has undergone a major facelift, with additions like crown moldings, shadow boxes, columns and arches, granite floors imported from Italy, chandeliers and wall sconces, enhanced color scheme lighting, and ceiling enhancements. 

“We’re always fixing up the building. We changed the colors, redid the wood, and added new linens. We did that because it was time for a change in the rooms here,” he said. “People have been very happy with the new look. So far, they’ve really liked the changes.” 

One thing that hasn’t changed for LiGreci’s Staaten is its commitment to the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce. The facility is celebrating its 50th year with the organization in 2021, which means LiGreci joined the Chamber once he bought the business. 

“I really wanted to be a part of the Chamber because I knew they were a great group,” said LiGreci. “There’s been numerous ways that the Chamber has helped me through the years. Any time I’ve asked them for something or favor, if they could help me out, they’re always 100%. They’ve been tremendous for me.” 


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