The Chamber encourages its members to become involved with several Chamber committees. Chamber committees are focused on business and advocacy, addressing issues that affect community needs, and help plan and implement the Chamber’s annual programs.
Participation on committees allows members to get involved, expand their networks, and lend their expertise as the Chamber pursues its mission.
Small Business Committee
The Small Business Committee identifies legislative issues that affect small businesses. The committee educates membership about the impact of the legislation on small businesses, advocates actively before government on behalf of small businesses, and organizes small businesses to support/oppose specific legislation.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee provides outreach in order to keep members engaged, assist with retention efforts, and stay in touch with how member businesses are doing. The Council also formulates strategies to attract new members from various industries in conjunction with the Chamber’s Marketing Strategy.
Safety and Security Committee
At Capacity
The Safety and Security Committee meets to review and select the winner(s) of the prestigious Police Officer of the Year Award and the FDNY Valor Award, and help plan the awards events. This committee also explores ways to educate the business community on safety and security topics related to running a business on Staten Island. Committee members are expected to assist in planning and promoting the events, as well as seeking sponsors and attendees.
Event Committees
Louis R. Miller Business Leadership Awards Committee
Since 1994, the Chamber annually recognizes members of the community who help to make Staten Island a great place to live and work. More than 200 small business owners and not-for-profit organization executives have been recipients of the Louis R. Miller Business Leadership Awards, presented at an annual awards breakfast. Nominations are reviewed by an award selection committee. Committee members meet monthly to review nominations, and are asked to help obtain journal advertisements and recruit attendees. Learn more about the Louis R. Miller Awards here.
Annual Gala Committee
The Annual Gala is the longest-running Chamber program and one of Staten Island’s premier business and social events. With a different theme each year, this fun event celebrates the Chamber’s birthday/anniversary, and is the main fundraising event of the year. The guest list includes the Chamber’s Board of Directors and other leaders, business owners, executives, community leaders and elected officials. Committee members are expected to assist in planning, promoting, and setting up for the event, as well as seeking sponsors, attendees, and raffle prizes.
Building Awards Committee
The annual Staten Island Chamber of Commerce Building Awards Program celebrates the best of Staten Island’s prolific building, construction, and design industries. Every year, applications are submitted for residential and commercial properties with new construction or renovations. Contractors, engineers, architects, interior designers and decorators, landscapers, craftsmen and homeowners are encouraged to submit entries that show off quality and beautiful work. Committee members are expected to assist in planning, promoting, and setting up for the event, as well as seeking sponsors and attendees.
Golf Outing Committee
The Golf Committee oversees the planning and execution of the Chamber’s annual golf outing.
The Volunteer Committee - At Capacity
The Volunteer Committee assists in organizing the Chamber's volunteer efforts, including neighborhood cleanups.